WINWORKER GmbH by Craftview

WINWORKER GmbH by Craftview

Short description

Service, der überzeugt – wir nehmen Sie an die Hand! Sie suchen einen verlässlichen Software-Partner, der Ihnen auch weit über die "normalen" Büroarbeiten hinaus mit Rat und Tat zur Seite steht? Sie suchen DIE Branchensoftware für Ihr Handwerk? Dann kommen Sie zu uns - kommen Sie zu WINWORKER!

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Posts (8)

WINWORKER GmbH by Craftview Hall 7 / 127

WINWORKER Digitale Baustelle

With the module extension Digitale Baustelle, you can coordinate your employees on the building site in a more targeted manner and enable them to work more independently. To do this, you digitally enrich digital building plans with a variety of information.

WINWORKER GmbH by Craftview Hall 7 / 127

Planaufmaß by WINWORKER

Are you tired of investing an unnecessary amount of time in measurements? Do you find the further processing of technical construction plans far too complicated and regularly leads to errors? Do you want to display a measurement in 3D? With the plan measurement, all this is possible.

WINWORKER GmbH by Craftview Hall 7 / 127

WINWORKER - THE Craftsman Software

Right from the start, the basic program contains everything you need to organize your everyday office life perfectly. You handle all orders securely, effortlessly manage addresses, master data and projects, and always have your orders under control.

WINWORKER GmbH by Craftview Hall 7 / 127

The Mobile Raumaufmaß by WINWORKER

Your dream has always been to measure rooms without pen and paper? Are you tired of smeared and illegible measurement sheets? With the Mobile Room Measurement, an Ipad and optionally a laser distance measuring device, this dream can easily come true.

WINWORKER GmbH by Craftview Hall 7 / 127

Mobile Time Recording by WINWORKER

Legal requirements for time recording force you to act? Are you tired of your employees' smeared timesheets? You want to know exactly how long employees need for a position for your calculation? Then mobile time recording is an ideal tool.

WINWORKER GmbH by Craftview Hall 7 / 127

Document management by WINWORKER

Is your filing system bursting at the seams? Do you take far too long to find important documents again? Have you shied away from digitizing documents until now? Document management can be so simple!

WINWORKER GmbH by Craftview Hall 7 / 127

WINWORKER All-round service - more than just software

For us, the customer is the center of attention. But this is not just an empty phrase, because customer service is a central element for us to ensure customer satisfaction. This starts with the presentation of the software, for example at trade fairs, events or directly on your premises!

WINWORKER GmbH by Craftview Hall 7 / 127
Job Ad

Career & Training

Are you interested in an interesting and varied job in the software industry? Then you've come to the right place! So don't wait long and apply now to become part of our great team!

Range of products

  • B IT and office organisation

About us

WINWORKER ist eines der führenden Softwarehäuser auf dem Markt der Branchenlösungen im Bereich Maler, Stuck, Putz und Trockenbau.

Bereits seit 1993 steht WINWORKER für ausgezeichnete Produkte, größte Kundenzufriedenheit und exzellenten Service. Seit 2020 ist WINWORKER Teil der CRAFTVIEW-Gruppe, in der mittlerweile über 300 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter täglich vollen Einsatz zeigen, um alle Kunden aus dem Handwerk und Baubranche optimal bei Digitalisierung Ihres Arbeitsalltags zu unterstützen!

Das Team von WINWORKER gibt weiterhin alles, um seine Spitzenposition auf dem Markt zu verteidigen und die führende Lösung für seine Zielbranchen zu bleiben. Zusammen mit CRAFTVIEW werden wir Ihnen zukünftig auch noch innovative neue Angebote machen können. Damit WINWORKER auch in Zukunft ein besonderes Erlebnis für unsere Kunden bleibt.